Herbal Health Book (TR)

Herbal Health Book (TR)

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This is a quote from the preface of the book Herbal health guide:

“In recent years, there has been a significant increase in upper respiratory tract infections, cancer, and skin diseases, and this increase continues. I attribute this situation to the weakened general immune system of people. The reason for the weakening of the immune system is the soil! Because humans themselves (anthropologically) have made the soil sick. I believe that products taken from diseased soil are no longer of sufficient quality to maintain human health. Due to climate change, the microbiological, ecological, and mineral balance of the soil has been severely disrupted, and this destruction is still ongoing. The unhealthy condition of the soil adversely affects human's healthy living environment and general health. On one hand, treating the diseased soil, and on the other hand, treating a sick person with soil. In this edition of the book, I tried to explain in a very simple and straightforward manner what it means to treat with soil, using expressions that everyone can understand. I believe I am one of the first to express how soil has preventive, protective, purifying, and therapeutic powers against diseases for human health. In the very near future, the scientific community will realize how important soil is for humanity and that the future of humanity is entirely dependent on the health of the soil, and that diseases can also be treated with soil.

Regardless of its economic power or military strength, whichever country leads in research and results related to soil will have a say in the world.“

The Herbal Health Guide is written to demonstrate the preventive, protective, and supportive therapeutic power of plants. In particular, you will witness firsthand which diseases Parsley, Sage, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Common Mallow, White Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Potato, Nettle, Carrot, Spinach, Tomato, Celery, Artichoke, Leek, Carob, Fresh White Grape, Oat Straw, Lentil, Coltsfoot, Lavender, Yarrow, Onion, Colza Seed, and Dried Cherry Stem can heal. Additionally, you can find “remedy“ recipes specific to all these vegetables and plants mentioned by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu that you can easily apply.

If you have any questions, please send us a message via our chat support.

Wishing you healthy days

Leitfaden zur Kräutergesundheit
Erweiterter Nachdruck
prof. Dr. Dies sind die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse von İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu im Lichte seiner langjährigen Forschung und Erfahrung.
Herbal Health Guide; Es wurde geschrieben, um die vorbeugende, schützende und therapeutische Kraft von Pflanzen aufzuzeigen. Besonders Petersilie, Salbei, Hibiskus, Kamille, Schwarzkopfgras, Weißkohl, Brokkoli, Blumenkohl, Kartoffel, Brennnessel, Karotte, Spinat, Tomate, Sellerie, Artischocke, Lauch, Johannisbrot, frische weiße Traube, Haferstroh, Linse, Löwenkralle Ich werde persönlich erleben, welche Krankheiten Lavendel, Schafgarbe, Zwiebeln, Pfingstrosensamen und getrocknete Kirschstängel eine Quelle der Heilung sind.
Außerdem, Prof. Dr. Sie können auch „Heilmittel“-Rezepte finden, die Sie leicht auf all diese Gemüsesorten anwenden können und Kräuter, die von İbrahim Adnan Saracoğlu erwähnt wurden.

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