The carobs used in molasses production are generally from Mersin Bozyazı and Antalya Gazipaşa (Turkey).
It is produced from Carob fruits collected from the regions of Turkey.
Since water is used in the production process of the product, water is written in the ingredient information. Product content has not changed.
Brix rate: 69 - 72
pH level: 5.2 (the range determined by the Ministry is the range of 5.0 – 6.0. Carob molasses complies with the molasses communiqué.)
HMF Value: 2 - 35 (the maximum value determined by the Ministry is 75. Carob molasses complies with the molasses communiqué.)
It is known that Carob molasses helps strengthen immune system and increasing body resistance. Carob molasses supports hair and mail health.
It helps during coagh, bronchitis and lung health.